
triple double U Wednesday #2

Anyone understand my Title?

It's W...W...W... Wednesday again.
Well it's actually Monday and I've just learnt how to schedule posts! (SQUEEEEL)

To play along just answer these questions:
1. What are you currently reading?
2. What did you recently finish reading?
3. What do you think you'll read next?

My answers:

I am currently reading the Help by Kathryn Stockett. I'm only a quarter way through it and I have never seen the film version either. Hoping it's as good as everyone says it is.

I have only just finished Adorkable by Sarra Manning. Good book... not what I was expecting. The main character is very unique. Not like any I've came across before. Very opinionated..

I hope to read next is Dear Dylan by Siobhan Curham who sent me this after I came runner up in her competition. Looking forward to it!

Have a very happy Wednesday!


Happy Birthday lil' Sis!

Recently, it was my lil' sister's Birthday and I was asked to make her a cake. After hours of struggling to decide on chocolate or vanilla (she's very picky) she finally says she wants a cookie cake!
Being the wonderful sister that I am, I made her a "cookie cake".
Basically it was just a giant cookie!

And just in case this failed I made a backup:
Adorkable Brownies!
(recipe coming soon to a blog near you)

And finally onto the card I made for her:
1. Colour a pattern on half a card.
2. On a separate colour card create another pattern.
3.And now onto one of my favourite scrapbooking techniques, stitching!
All this is, is drawing little lines one after the other.
Here: I put it on a green strip of paper to link both sides.
4. Add a little decor with a tag and ribbon


Just a quick Update!

Okay so, I have a new poll going. (Look to your left. Yes up there on the sidebar)
I should probably explain what each is:

Competition: about what, you say? I have no idea yet. Nor do I know the prizes but I've never held one and seemed like a good idea. Maybe  it would involve writing, drawing, creating, not sure...
Award: This was intentionally supposed to be a blog award but there are so many floating around cyberspace they loose their uniqueness.  But hey if you really REALLY want me to make one then go on ahead and vote for it.
Party: This is would be an online party for my fellow bloggers. It could last a whole day or even a weekend. The idea is you send me your email address via email, I would reply with further information and an invite button to advertise on your blog. (obviously this would happen more than a week before the party date). Then the invited bloggers would comment on the "party post". Games, competitions would be hosted at various intervals throughout the day with prizes. You can only be online for 5 minutes if you wish to comment. It's not like it's going to take up your whole day!
So yeah if this sounds good vote for this...
Debate: yes a debate. I think I might make this last a whole week. So I would set up a separate page on my blog with a little post about the "topic". In the comments state your side (against or for) and back it up with a reason.

I hope I explained everything!

So there is this blog called blog for joy, it's for teenagers and written by teenagers. Really worth checking out. Become a contributor if you like too.

Have a happy..(looks at calender to remember the day)... Wednesday


The Gallagher Girl series

This is a series of 5 books (unless, of course, she's writing more.. actually I think she is..) by Ally Carter. The first, titled "I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you" introduces us to Cameron Morgan, who's perspective the stories are told.
We learn fairly quickly that Cammie is no ordinary girl, with her being able to kill a human in several different ways, speak 14 various languages, hack into government files and crack CIA codes. That is because she attends the supposedly snobby Gallagher Academy for Exceptional young Women while in fact is an all-girls boarding school for spies!
(I mean how cool would it be to go to a spy school!.. Totes!)
Even with her extraordinary skills she faces a problem when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she's an ordinary girl.
This was such a good book when I read it first but now after reading all 5 it seems so simple. Each novel just keeps getting better. The plot is absolutely incredible. I think that whole storyline begins in the second book "Cross my heart and hope to Spy"
After being "debriefed" about her relationship with an "ordinary boy" in a top secret underground location, Cammie returns to school to find  a lot of security measures in place and a whole lot of her secret passageways closed. The East wing is blocked off because of "fumes from the chemistry lab have travelled through the air vent and contaminated that area."
The mystery evolves when Cammie realises that the air vent from the chemistry lab does not travel to the east wing!
We are introduced to Zackery Goode and other boys (These ain't ordinary boys either), while Cammie and her friends try to find out as much as possible about them and their link to the East wing.....
Moving on to the third: "Don't Judge a Girl by her Cover".
Unexpected happenings make Cammie look at the world differently when during summer break she visits Macey, one of her friends who also happens to be a Senator's daughter, in Boston expecting to be watching Senator McHenry run for presidency but soon finds herself trapped in a kidnappers plot with only their espionage skills to save them.
The events in Boston haunt Macey and Cammie when they're back to school for their junior year. Shocking secrets and old flames lurk everywhere as Cammie and her friends struggle to answer their unresolved questions.
What they thought they knew is suddenly turned upside down and is a whole lot bigger than anticipated. "Only the Good Spy Young" the 4th of this thrilling series reveals the only way to move forward is to dig deep into the past. Cammie is left confused and terrified when one of her most trusted allies and teacher is actually a rogue double-agent.
Finally some answers are made possible and Cammie learns some truth.
I finally was satisfied with my new found information and expected everything to be clear when I read the 5th "Out of Sight out of Time" but once again a new twist was uncovered.
Cammie found herself in a convent on the Alps with no memory of the Summer!


These are incredibly exciting and gripping tales and a must read. The characters are very distinguishable from the way it's written so you could almost hear Bex's British accent. These books are full of humour, fast paced and really left me on the edge of my seat!


Mission complete: landed on earth

Mars to Zeon67... come in Zeon67
Mission 38 has been completed successfully. I've landed on planet earth in what the beens call "the 21st Century". Some sort of foreign brainwashing is sweeping the younger generation. The beens call it "social networking".
I've done further investigating and have come to the conclusion that I must join in order to understand this contagious malady.
In order to accomplish my duties I must "tweet" using "@" and "#".
Will you follow me Zeon67? Over.

If you didn't understand the me-pretending-to-be-a-alien-talking-to-other-alien-back-home thing then in pain English: I've joined twitter.
I joined it a while back but only started tweeting yesterday.
I've made the most awful button for it but it will just have to do for now.
So if you want to follow me click here
Happy Wednesday


Shop til you drop!

Over the past week, I have gone on a MASSIVE shopping spree.
It's all buy buy buy! And now I'm sad to say... I'm broke.
(Note to self: BUDGET!)
It's not all bad though, I have a whole new wardrobe and a whole sack full of DVDs.
I've decided to share some my wonderful purchases, just to see the jealous looks on your faces! (so what if that's not possible... I'll just imagine it.)

I also got a knitted cardigan and a jumper with the American flag on it. All from River Island.

From TK Maxx Floral union Jack cushion and floral storage box.

  And a new book! Can't wait to read it!
I've also started writing for blog for joy so..
everyone get over there asap and follow!


I'm Drowning

Can anyone hear me!!!! I said I'm Drowning.
No not in water! How could I be typing my blog while drowning in the sea???
I'm drowning in Blog awards!

The Versatile Blog award
A huge thanks to Sophie , Charli, Sunny, Nushi  Nicola and Georgia for nominating me for this award.
You can find that post here!

The Toujou Blog award
Thank you very much Nicola. I loved what you said about my little blog. You can find that post here.

And her questions:
Favourite school subject? ~ Art
City or countryside? ~ Countryside
Save money or spend? ~ Spend
Pens or pencils? ~ Pens
Early bird or night owl? ~ Night Owl

Adorable Blog Award
Thanks so much to the lovely Erin who nominated me and created this fabulous award.
Thanks also to Nattasha from her blog, pink sugar dollings.

1: You must tag 3 other people when you have been nominated.
2: You must let the nominees know that you have nominated them.
3: Post 4 facts about yourself.
4: You can set 5 questions for your nominees if you want to or can be bothered to.
5: You must put up the icon for the award somewhere in your post and thank the person/peoples who nominated you.

I tag...

My facts:
1. I got a fringe yesterday. EEeeek! I haven't had one since I was 4! (Is it called bangs in Britain?)
2. I am currently on Grade 7 on Piano.
3. It is abnormal for the weather to be so hot in Ireland. I swear the sun is like a UFO!
4. I went to see William Butler Yeats' grave today.

1: Favourite song lyric? ~ It changes all the time but at the moment it's: And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today
2: Most bizzarre habit? Amm... I really don't know.
3: What kind of places do you hang about with your friends? School, cinema, Mc D's, park.
4: Awesomest moment of your life? Achieving 23 Followers!!!
5: Are you a dog person or a cat person? Both.

 My 5 Qs for the tags:
1) Who is the most famous person you've met?
2)Colour eyes?
3) What is the weather like while you type this?
4)Favourite subject?
5) Play any instruments?

The Rose Petals and Daisy Chains Award
Thank you Nattasha for giving me this award.

  • You must thank your award giver
  • If given this award you must give it to 5 other blogs, but if you are somebody who can't choose, then you don't have to nominate anyone. Though it is preferred to choose 5 other bloggers
  • Put this picture on your blog
  • Notify your chosen nominees of their nomination and tell them why you chose their blog
  • Answer these 5 questions
  1. Favourite Candy
  2. Favourite breed of Dog or any animal
  3. Favourite Book
  4. Favourite Flower
  5. Favourite Song
My answers:
1. Does that mean chocolate or sweets? (not famiar with this term) ... terry's chocolate orange bar or penny sweets
2. King Charles Spaniel or Elephant
3. Harry Potter
4. Lily
5. Stranger like me ( Tarzan) or else Dog Days (Florence and the machine)

I tag:

I am so behind.
I'm sorry if I haven't commented or read your latest post yet but I will get round to it.


RFL Project

Has anyone ever heard of Flat Stanley?
Well a few years ago my cousin was sent "flat Stanley", and he had to take pictures with Stanley and write some sort of a journal. I'm not really sure how it works....
The whole idea of Flat Stanley is he is a paper (for lack of a better word) doll that is posted to children who have to spend a certain amount of time with Stanley and keep a journal, documenting the places and activities in which Flat Stanley is involved. Stanley is a character from a book by Jeff Brown , and this book is read by the children first to become acquainted with Stanley.
As you can see it is a great idea, helping children read and write.
 But what about teenagers?
Some will think it's a cool idea, but others might find it weird and embarrassing taking pictures with a paper doll.
So wouldn't it be so cool if instead of Flat Stanley it was a book.
And instead of children it was teenagers.
I'm not saying that you'd have to take pictures with the book, just read it.
I just don't think enough teenagers read and enjoy books as much as they should. This book wouldn't be boring. It would be relevant and maybe something we could relate to. Language should be descriptive and engaging but nothing with "thou" and "thy". You would fall in love with the characters and remember them long after you finished the gripping story.
So a good book would be sent via mail along with a letter informing them of the project and everyone who reads it would sign their name/initials/nickname/only first name on the available space at the start or the end of the book.
I think I'd call it the Marian Project... just kidding!
How about ...the RFL Project .... Reading for Life!

P.S This is not a real project and I am not creating it... just a thought.
Happy Reading!


The Versatile Blog Award!

I'm so happy because I have been nominated by the lovely Shakira for...

...drum roll please...

The versatile blog award
(you probably already got that from the title)

There are a few rules one one must follow before accepting the award and they are as follows:
  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.(blogging for less then 2 years)
  2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
  3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
  5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post. 

My Nominees:
Britney @my mind counts
Mia @Sky Blue
Sunny @A Sunny Spot

My Facts:
1. I am currently watching rain fall from those tormenting, sun blocking yet candyflosslike clouds in Sligo.
2. I'm staying at my cousins for a week...or two.
3. There is two adorable king Charles next to me. Say hello to Molly and Daisey (not to be mixed up with my cat)
4. I go to an all girls school.
5. My favourite chocolate is Terry's Chocolate Orange.
6. I love to drink tea.
7. Someone ask me a question in the comments and I'll answer it as one of my facts....

I think that's it!
Happy blogging!


My Cat thinks I'm Crazy

and that's why I want a dog! No, I need a dog!
I've always had cats all my life, so I've gotten pretty used to thinking they're part of the family. And as a part of the family they must be treated like the rest of the family.
Introducing ....Daisy

She's 5 years old
and thinks I'm crazy.
You see I like to talk to her and a lot of the time it's in a weird voice
"Who's a little cutie?? You're such a cutie. You are! You are!"
Yeah so that's one of the reasons I think, she thinks I'm crazy. Like, she doesn't understand English anyway so why do I bother putting it in a weird voice, talking nonsense, when even the most Englishists of people still wouldn't  understand me!
I like to ask her opinion on things like  "Is my hair alright? Are you sure... I could tie it up higher then wrap it in a messy bun? Yes? No? Would my earrings go with that?"
Yes, I actually said that.
All she does is stare back at me with those big green eyes, wondering why on earth am I yapping away to her. Cause she's fully aware she's not human!
Then lastly, when I've once again logged on to blogger for the seventh time that Day, I run out to her, jumping up and down, screaming "I have a new follower!!!! Give me a Max (it is no longer called a high five after watching wizards of waverly place. Those who have seen that episode will understand, those haven't... join Daisy)
Instead of being the friendly companion she's supposed to be. Instead of rushing to my side in my time of need. Instead of giving me a Max!
She stands up takes one last look at me then turns and walks away from my outstretched hand.
All the same I still love and adore her.
But I need an animal that will understand me.
I need a dog.
Unfortunately, my Dad is against getting a dog.
I can hear them cry, "Buy me. BUY ME"!


Just 1 Page

If anyone follows Charli's Blog then they probably already know about this wonderful campaign and if not.. keep reading!
This campaign is to get everyone reading- whether it's a story, fact book, magazine or even the menu at the local cafe.
It's very simple to join in. Just read 1 page everyday!
As Charli describes books:
You can travel the world within 5 books, or just go to a boarding school for 2 terms if you follow a series. Reading is amazing... you can go abroad for only £5.99...
Just put this button on your sidebar.

Click HERE! for more the original post on this campaign.
Reading is a gift so join in!
Happy Reading


Oh look.....

Hello to all,
I know what your saying. "Why did she title this post oh look?". Well your reading it aren't you?
I think I made my point.

Sending my thanks to Britney who has awarded me the belle blog award!
I'm not going to go over the rules or my facts or the blogs I've tagged. But if you really want to see all that click HERE!
So Britney's questions:
1. What is your favourite quote?
I have many but one that comes to mind is: "In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away."
2. What do you think of the Olympics 2012?
Ammm.... I don't exactly get it. You know... I missed the
opening and it's on TV ALL day so I don't really watch it either. (Guilty, sorry) It's all about sport too so that decreases my interest even more.
But I do think it's very important and historic.
3. Do you think Scotland should get Independence?
Huh? No idea. Shouldn't there be some sort of vote. I know from the history we're taught in school about the North fighting for Independence caused an awful amount of violence and killing.( and it wasn't even that long ago) I'm anti- violence but I do stand up for rights!

I also want to share with you my writing piece that came in the runners up category at Siobhan Curham's blog writing competition.

Why I love writing

There is a problem. Yes, a big problem. See the title is highly inappropriate as I do not love writing. Nor do I even remotely like it. It is a bothersome and distressing ordeal. First you have to think of a storyline and plot. Look how that’s working out for me. I’m going completely against the topic. I’m commonly found dumbstruck with a pen in my hand. Nothing registering in my genius brain. My thoughts get jumbled up and I forget whether I’m supposed to be writing about my dream holiday travelling around the world, with a book in my hand or a fiercely dragon fighting a knight, destined to live happily ever after with a mystical princess. As you can see it is a big problem. A big problem indeed. And that’s not the half of it. How on earth am I supposed to write what’s going on in my far away mind. It’s difficult enough to focus on one idea at a time. And you’re asking me to write it down? I will forget my capitals letters and full stops. The whole two page essay will be one big sentence with approximately one hundred and fifty two “ands”. Every sentence will start with “I went”. At least my spelling will live through this deathly torment. Thank God for spell check is all I can say! Then after that there’s the proof read to make sure it makes sense. My beginning began in the 21st century where it meandered to the middle ages and came to sudden stop in the year 3000. That is when I start singing Busted's “ year three thousand” and press x without thinking and forgetting to save. There goes all my effort. My long hours spent in front of my thesaurus. So I can firmly tell you I do not like writing and I will never write again – wait … I’m writing!

I also have been obsessed with nail art with the last week. Here is only of my attempts:

If you haven't notice already, they are the logos of facebook, blogger, pinterest and twitter (this on came out really bad because it's the smallest of my nails.
I love reading (and looking) at Hellogiggles "nails of the day" so I wanted to try it out myself. I'm not sure where I got the idea or if someone has ever done this nail art before.
So what do you think?


Yet another award!

This really unique award is from the awesome Emily. Can I just say one thing before I begin... thank god there is no facts!
The Toujou Blog Award!
Toujou is a Haitian Creole word for always, so a toujou blogger is someone's blog you always ALWAYS read. So here are the rules:

1. If tagged you must tag five others, giving each a quick sentence as to why you ALWAYS read their posts, and tell them that you've tagged them.

2. If tagged you must post your five favourite words. I know, I know, most people do facts, but facts are hard to think of so...

3. If and only if you want to/can be bothered to/have time to you can put up five questions for the people you've tagged. If and only if you want to/can be bothered to/have time to you can ANSWER the five questions your tagger set. If you want to answer questions but your tagger left none, answer your own questions :)
My 5 favourite words are:
1. obviously
2. bazinga
3. precariously
4. outrageous
5. magical
People I tag:
~Emily's Chronicles: (mwahahaha, you never said anything about tagging back) - I adore this blog because mainly her english is so engaging and just wow. I often need my dicionary. Also these ~face things~ make me laugh out loud.
~Nicola's Notebook: - I only came across this blog not so long ago but have been hooked ever since. She has really cute craft ideas and it's really honest. It's very versatile as well.
~A Day Dreamer's World- this is one of the first blogs I ever found. I love it because it's about the everyday life of a teenager. She write's about relevant and interesting things like books, movies and right now the olympics
~Life of an Awkward Donkey- this is hilarious. Especially her remarks. It's a LOL Blog.
~Just Floating Along- Holly has a mixture of topics which are all really interesting. She also hosts games like writing captions for hilarious photos.
I wish I could tag more!  There's 3 other blogs I wanted to tag and I had to choose between them!
Moving on....
1. Favourite song lyrics?
~Taylor Swift, Best Day
And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today

~Katy Perry, Wide Awake

I'm wide awake
And now it's clear to me
That everything you see
Ain't always what it seems
I'm wide awake
Yeah, I was dreaming for so long

2. Pet hates?
When your in class and the person next to you keeps talking! and if she uses up pretty much all of the desk! When a person writes in my book!! When someone starts talking during my favourite Tv shows. When someone takes a drink out of my bottle/glass! The list goes on....

3. If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

  My freckle on my arm. Well there's 3 of them and it looks like a koala bear. Often my friends draw a smile under it to make it a "happy koala bear". You see the middle one is approx 5 mm in diameter.

4. If there was one endangered species that you could prevent from being extinct, what would it be?
Elephants. Yes they are endangered. All species of elephant are "vulnerable".
5. What colours appear most frequently in your wardrobe?
Blue. Though there is quite a lot of maroon. And I have a lot of pastel/ floral pieces as well!

My Questions:
Favourite Flower?
Favourite Film?
If there was one thing you could do... anything... absolutly anything?( like go to hogwarts ;D)
Team Jacob or Team Edward?
How often do you paint your nails?(Weird question I know)

Thanks Emily. Even though awards are so painstakingly long I love them.

I, Alex Cross

Whilst on holidays, I actually ran out of books! Can you believe it? I only brought half of my Gallagher Girl collection, so, suddenly I was found with nothing to read! Oh the Trauma!!! My aunt had just finished hers and luckily she said I could read it.
This is probably the first adult book I have read. It is from the "world's bestselling thriller writer" James Patterson.
Basically it tells the story of Detective Alex Cross and this completely crazy and sick murder investigation. The first piece of evidence is of his niece Caroline. There are many other killings very similar to Caroline's, which is really creepy, because everything is linked and there is only one killer.
It is an alright book. I didn't think it was brilliant though. There was so many characters, it was hard to remember who each one was!
The chapters were extremely short. In fact, out of the 456 pages there was 117 chapters!
The ending was good in some ways. It went on a little too long because just when everything was coming together and life was starting to get better for Alex, it's all turned up side down again. So I was kind of left with a "cliffhanger".
This is definitely a gruesome story and not for the faint hearted. I won't go into too much detail about the killings only it involved a wood chipper (shudders).
Apparently, this is the 14th instalment and there are more sequels. But, I will not be going out of my way just to read them. It is intriguing with a very surprising ending, but, if I were you I wouldn't get too upset if I never get the chance to read it.