
Blog Resolutions and a new Challenge!

How are you all on this fine New Year's Eve? Well, I'm great despite the storm blowing outside. I have decided to set my self a few blogger resolutions as recently I have become a bad bad blogger. For starters I had neglected my blog for 2 WEEKS! And I apologise profusely for it. Secondly I haven't been keeping up with my blog reads. So again, I am sorry if I have not read or commented your last 10 posts!
So here are my blog Resolutions that I will abide!
1. Always reply to comments ASAP.
2. Say thank you to Award givers on THEIR blog.
3. Do the blog read more often.
4. Be more friendly to other bloggers.
5. Complete the 13 'n' 13 Challenge

You're probably asking "what on earth is the 13 'n' 13 Challenge?" unless of coarse you already know what it is...
Anyway, this challenge I found on Chloe's blog. Basically, you have to pick a set 13 books that you must read in 2013. When you have finished all of them, then and only then may you read other books.
I have picked to read....
1. Crescendo ~ Becca Fitzpatrick.
2. Silence ~ Becca Fitzpatrick.
3. Finale ~ Becca Fitzpatrick
4. Perks of being a Wallflower ~ Stephen Chbosky.
5. Divergent ~ Veronica Roth
6. Insurgent ~ Veronica Roth
7. The Night Circus ~ Erin Morgenstern.
8. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ~ Mark Twain.
9. My Sister's Keeper ~ Jodi Picpoult
10. My so-called Life ~ Joanna Nadin.
11. Emma ~ Jane Austin
12. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour ~ Morgan Matson.
13. Catcher in the Rye ~ JD Salinger.
                                                         ...... in  my 13 'n' 13 challenge.
I'm pretty sure there is a badge or button out there in this massive world of the so called Internet but I can't find it so I made my own.
If you want to participate in this challenge feel free to use this button and link it to your Challenge post.
Ether comment here or at Chloe's blog with the books you plan to read and don't forget to share your opinions (through commenting) when you have finished each of them.
Good Luck to everyone doing this challenge
and Make 2013 your year.
Happy New Year Everyone!


Festive Fashion

These are my latest purchases for this festive season. As you can see most are Winter wears for keeping warm during this chilly season.
Burgundy high wasted shorts. I actually wore this Christmas Day with silver sparkling tights.
Dark grey Boots with warm woolly lining.
(sorry about the bad picture)
Burgundy Blazer from Penneys (aka Primark in Britain)
Cream and Gold knitted jumper (~Dunnes Stores)
And a khaki jacket (~Dunnes Stores)  that goes perfect with my cream jumper.
Happy Shopping


My obsession with Wrapping Paper

It's been so long. I don't think I've been on blogger for two weeks! I had my Christmas tests (more like mock Leaving Cert) over the past couple of weeks. We had 2-hour long tests in our freezing theatre (yes we have that posh a school) but I'm a bit apprehensive about my report coming soon.
But I cannot get over that it is CHRISTMAS EVE! So I'll take this chance to wish every blogger out there a very merry Christmas!
I have been very busy shopping for friends and family, and then wrapping the presents. I'm not sure how people view wrapping presents. Do you find it a chore and put it off for as long as possible or does it get you all festive? Me, personally, I LOVE wrapping presents. Especially boxes. Oh, I just love trying to perfect the folds and lines. Actually I think I'm a bit OCD about it. I sit on the ground usually next to the fire or near the tree and spend a couple of hours wrapping presents.
But it's not only that part I enjoy, shopping for the wrapping paper is just as fun. Believe me it's no easy task raking through dozens of choice. It has to be pretty and cheery. I prefer paper then that crinkly metallic (or is it plastic?) shiny paper. It doesn't tear easily and takes the fun out of tearing the gift open.
That of coarse is the cherry on the cake. Waking up Christmas morning, to a quiet house or sometimes very frantic sister, hopefully a blanket of snow engulfs the rolling hills out my bedroom window and a heap of wrapping-paper-embraced gifts stacked around and under the tree. Just looking at all those colours and styles of wrapping paper puts a smile on my face. Let the present opening begin!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good Night!


Crafting Christmas Concepts

Are you trying to drop hints to your family about what you want for Christmas? Well, here's a really simple and effective way of getting across the message!

My Christmas Wish List!
1. Cut out a chunk of cardboard (I used a cereal box) and then cover it with wrapping paper.
2. Make a header. I drew it like a ribbon/scroll.
and then write your name.
(I also inked the sides to make it look aged)
3. Stick it to the top of your board.
4. Cut out a square of perty card and write Wish List with tip ex or marker.
5. Attach to board and write Christmas down the board.
6. Cut out lots of things you really want for Christmas from magazines etc. and clip them to the board using pegs or what ever is at home!
You can hang it in the hall so passer bys will glance at it and be inspired to get you a good present (for once).
Happy Crafting
P.S. There is still time to vote in the best Christmas movies of your choice. Keep scrolling down and you should find the post!


Blog awards!

I want to say a huge thank you to all that have nominated me. It's an extreme honour to sit here in front of the laptop, and receive so many wonderful awards. I'd like to thank my cat and my ....

What an Adorable Blog Award.
Thanks so much to Helena! and Abbie

You must nominate 4 bloggers
And answer these Questions:
Q1  If you were stranded on a beach in the middle of no-where, which three people would you have with you?
Q2  Which celebrity would you love to meet?
Q3  If you won one million ponds/ euros - whatever, what would you spend it on?
Q4  Pick two people you can't live without.

Q1~  Mmm, probably my best friends
Q2~ Emma Watson/ Zooey Deschanel
Q3~ By a car and insurance then go on a holiday and see a few gigs
Q4~ tough question

I nominate: Althea July Josie Erin

Seriously! What a Great Blog Award
Thanks again to Abbie and Helena
(I think I already did this one so I'll just go ahead and save me some time)

Hey! That's so Sweet! Award
Thanks to Helena (again!)
Rules: You must nominate 5 bloggers
And answer these Questions:

- What famous person would you like to meet?
- What is your favourite flower?
- What is your least favourite food?
Q1. Zooey Deschanel
Q2. Lily
Q3. Peppers (the vegatable)
I nominate:
Amy, Emily, Rose, Kirthi and Orli!


Best Christmas Movies: Nominees

Now it is time to get voting! You can do so by commenting with the category and 1 movie for each.
Home Alone
Love Actually

The Nightmare before Christmas
Christmas Carol
A Muppet's Christmas Carol
Home Alone

It's a Wonderful Life
The Santa Clause (series)
The Polar Express
Home Alone
Fred Clause

Best Overall:
Home Alone
Love Actually
The Nightmare before Christmas
Christmas Carol
A Muppet's Christmas Carol
It's a Wonderful Life
The Santa Clause
The Polar Express
Fred Clause
Alice in Wonderland
Glee Christmas Special
Jack Frost
The Holiday
Arthur Christmas
Disney's Christmas Carol
Christmas with the Kranks
Mrs. Santa Claus
Miracle on 34th Street
The Grinch
Have Fun!


November Nom Noms

This is Novembers most wanted (by me).

From left to right: The Deathly Hallows ring from Harry Potter, Owl earrings (I'm a bit obsessed with owls), cute panda beanie, The Perks Of being a Wallflower novel, shades of purple nail varnish, floral hipster rucksack, mugs with knitted covers, traditional Christmas jumper, moustache keyring in support of Movember.
Till next year November!


Adorkable by Sarra Manning

"Welcome to the dorkside. It's going to be a bumpy ride..."
Jeane Smith's a blogger, a dreamer, a dare-to-dreamer, a jumble sale queen, CEO of her own lifestyle brand and has half a million followers on twitter.
Michael Lee's a star of school, stage and playing field. A golden boy in a Jack Wilis hoodie.
They have nothing in common but a pair of cheating exes. So why can't they stop snogging?
Intriguing right? Well for me I only picked it up because I saw the word blogger. Not something I'd recommend  (only buying a book because a word caught your eye). But I'm glad I did though. At first, when I began reading I was totally not impressed, the characters were down right mean! You see, it's from the perspective of Jeane and Michael in different chapters. They are complete opposites. Michael- hot, popular, cool, close family. Jeane -opinionated, loner, quirky, irritating, lives on her own in an apartment because she doesn't get on with her parents.
This book is fun, a light read that doesn't way you down. Do I recommend it? Yeah! Probably suits 14+ as there is content not suitable for young readers. It really took me by surprise as it it not like any other book I read. It's interesting to see how the characters evolve.
I assume you've already gathered the main character is a blogger and guess what? There is such a blog! It's called The Adorkable Blog and it's run by Sarra Manning the author. Check it out!
There is also a twitter account belonging to Jeane. If you want to find that you can go to my twitter account and see who I follow. It should be there somewhere....
So over all: Love the book! Do not read if you are under 14/15. Out of ten...


Best Christmas Movies - You Choose

This is your chance to nominate your favourite Christmas movies! The categories are:
Traditional (basically involving Santa, Christmas eve...)
Best Overall

All you have to do is comment below with as many movies as you like in any category.

I'll get things rolling shall I?
comedy~ Elf
Kids~ Home Alone
Traditional~ The Santa Clause (series)
Best Overall~ Jack Frost and The Holiday

Okay,your turn!
* All Nominees have to be in before 1st of December *


Muse Monday

It's Monday again. To brighten up this one and help me cope through the rest of the week, today's muse is Music!
So here's a few that were recently played on my ipod:
Hall of Fame ~ The Script ft. Will.I.AM

The Last Time ~ Taylor Swift and Gary Lightbody

Taylor Swift ~ I knew you were trouble

Happy Muse Monday


Gift idea

I think it is about time I do a craft post. It's been so long since I did my "usual stuff" (book reviews, craft, baking...)
A couple of weeks ago it was one of my friends birthday. It was over midterm and there was no way I would be near any shop so out came paper, scissors and double-sided tape.

A Memory Book
What you will need:
5 blank cards
scissors or even better a paper slicer for straight lines
double sided sellotape
punch holer
foam stickers to give the impression of 3-D
pretty paper with lots of design
and a few pictures of the person who will own it

1. stick the cards together as shown in picture. (make sure the front resembles opening a book)
2. pick plain coloured paper for background. Cut to right size and stick to each page.
3. Then use pattern paper and cut at angles to look like like a pocket.
Make sure to only stick the sides of the pocket to give room for what will go inside
Continue until all pages are full
Then cut out 6 frames for the pictures so they fit into the pocket.
I forgot to take more pictures of this one, but here is one I completed last year
And don't forget the cover
That's it!
Happy crafting


Knock, Knock

Who's there?  
Haha, those jokes are so almost as bad as the penguin jokes.
On a completely different note, I went to Knock yesterday! It is a holy place in county Mayo in Ireland. My school year was on a retreat so we had to leave at 7:30 in the morning to make it there for 12. Bus ride was fun where Alanna, Shana, Rebecca and me played the truth and dare app for a few hours. One of the dares was to let someone do my hair:
Never again!
   We began in a candle lit room where we wrote a letter of prayer, then we went to the museum.There, there was a imitation of the cottages the people who saw the apparitions would have lived in. We went into one of the imitation work places where a recording was being played and a furnace burning. Rebecca was sure someone was hiding behind it so we creeped around the corner as this old man rattled on about the harvest from the stereo in the corner. Next thing Alanna screamed and we went running out, yelling at the top of our voices.
You probably don't find it as funny as it was. I guess it's have to be there  thing!

Anyhoo, have a great weekend!
(and happy 17th birthday Rebecca)


Muse Monday


This is a new feature on my blog where every Monday I will hopefully post about something that has inspired me recently or found something really cool and want to share with you all.
At the bottom of my screen here, it say it's Monday so today's muse will be ... BOOKS!
  Yes, those delightful paperbacks you spend every spare moment of your day with your nose tucked in it as if you were inhaling the paper, ink and often mouldy smell. I find them very inspiring because it leaves people experience things they never will get an opportunity to do. You can be a vampire or a little girl in World War II or a witch or a contestant in the Hunger Games or even an ordinary girl with a not so ordinary life just by reading a book.
  At the moment I am reading Dear Dylan by Siobhan Curham, and on the verge of sending a flock of emails to every person in the world who has inspired me.. (if you read the book you'll understand)
  And if you are one of those people who does not read often because it reminds you too much of school or bores you too much, give it another shot
--just make sure it is a good book that has been recommended-- not all books will wow you!

Happy Muse Monday!


Speaks through microphone; "The RESULTS ARE IIIIIIIINNNNNN!"

Ladies, gents, donkeys and ducks!
I can finally announce after painstakingly going through all those entries (note: sarcasm. .. glares virtually at everyone who didn't enter) who the winners are.
Shall I begin with the cover?
Alright then the runner up (or should I call it second?) is

Well done Becky for your terrific entry. I loved how she used a whortleberry frame and made the title stand out. Also the auhtor name was very clear.

And in 1st place is......
(french horn now please)
Ruby from Feed me Books Now

Her book cover was superb! The colours were really eye catching and I loved the rhetorical question in the bottom. Font was wow too. (how do you do it? really)
Next is the short stories!
The runner up is ...
Well done! Her story was called "The Night the Sirens Came"
I was suspicous at the start then it got really eerie and then come the completely bizarre!
I was left with a few questions but isn't that what stories are supposed to do?
Really great story but so confusing. (Were do you come up with it?)
And in 1st place is
Ruby (again)
Her story was called "The Cappuccinos murders"
She had an excellent opening and I was a bit shocked but kept wanting to read more.
It appealed to my senses and had a great sense of humor. It was really gripping but agian I was totally shocked when it ended! I am still confused...
But excellent story!
Both stories will have seperate pages that you can find on the page bar. It will be there for a couple of weeks so be sure to read them!
I will leave you with some weird news:
Its' SNOWING outside!!!!!
(that's Ireland for you!)


Pooky Night!

So I'm sure everyone has heard of Halloween.... right? Well for those oblivious people living under a rock, Halloween happens to take place on the 31st of October every year. Most notable for children dressing up in costumes and going door to door collecting sweets. Then of course there is the eating too many sweets and feeling queasy for days. But who cares? It's Halloween. As for the title; Pooky Night comes from the Irish word puca meaning ghost, a mischievous spirit. Has anyone ever heard of it being called Pooky? (I haven't)
Here's my pumpkin George:
Yeah, I'm not a professional carver...
And I attempted my greeting mat:
But then one of our cats tore it up so it is no  more...
I also made my sister's costume:
Can anyone guess who she's going as?
2 marks - her profession
5 marks - her name
3 marks - telling me how wonderful my sewing skills are (;L)
3 marks - the book this character is in
2 marks - for just entering your guess
Good Luck!

Happy Hallowe'en Everyone!


Life of an awkward Donkey

It's the 28th of October and I shall be discussing the third blog I ever followed: Life of an Awkward Donkey!!!!!
My Blog Button... Go on, add me to your sidebar..(;I'm sure all of you have heard of this.. what does she call it again..(ah yes) her FABOO BLOG! Her first ever post was on the 30th of January and has since then reached a GIANTASTIC (in my opinion) 56 followers (and rising). Honestly I'm not surprised. Her blog posts are filled with humour, randomness, recipes and many many book reviews.  She is a wonderful character which can be seen clearly through her writing. I often find myself clicking to her link after a long day of school just to see what weird and wonderful thing has been zooming through her life today. I love her witty sense of humour, her very amusing post titles and her yummy cupcake background. She has published 187 posts (wowza) and has still 33 unpublished!
Her blog awards are piling up and she is quickly rising to stardom - even has her own business card!
This is the Life of an Awkward Donkey


It's almost Halloween!

Over at Everything Hermione, I came 3rd in her latest (and first) competition! Here is my entries:
What do you think?
On a completely different topic, What do you think of Halloween? Do you go trick or treating, out to discos or invite friends over and watch scary movies until 4 in the morning?
I love the idea of making a costume then going to s fancy dress or something. Where  I live the neighbours always have fireworks and you normally end up with a few stray dogs on your doorstep. This year I'm still undecided as to what to do. I can't wait to start decorating the house. We have a pumpkin this year called George. Last year the pumpkin was Fred (anyone make the connection?). I'm hoping to have something like this on our porch:
The wicked witch is gone!
OMG! This is hysterical! I love it! :) HAHA!
Disclaimer: both photos were found on Pinterest
Happy Halloween!


ATTENTION bloggers, writers, designers, Tacos and Pumpkins

Regarding my Writing Competition, I have ingeniously made a new AND IMPROVED button for the competition. And if you would be ever so kind as to display it on your sidebar, even if you are not entering. I shall be eternally grateful. I do say, it looks a lot chirpier than my former one. In fact my last button was rather boring and dull. Actually it was more than dull it was down right awful. Do NOT go searching for it!!! (grimaces in humiliation)
So maybe I should go through the rules again (as to not give a link so no one can see the ugliness of the button)
1) Write a short story about anything. But it MUST include at least one of the following words:
2) You must create the cover of that story as if it were a book. This may be hand drawn then photographed OR computer arted OR you take the photograph your self (so also a bit like photography competition as well)
3) Email to
4) Closing date 28th October
5) (SUR) Prizes are via post along with probably an interview or guest post or I'll think of something.
Good Luck!
*Due to lack of entries closing date is now changed to Halloween! Furthermore, if there is no more entries I will still give the prizes to who already entered but there will be no placings*


Because I am a Girl

I am recognising and supporting Girl's International Day. Last Thursday (October 11th) was the first ever Girls International Day.
A campaign was held by Plan where by thousands and thousands of people signed a petition and last year the United Nations declared October 11th to be Girls International Day. This day creates a foundation to advocate and recognise girls' rights globally.

Do you go to school? Are you entitled to an education? Well then, if you are, you are the one out of three. Those two other girls are denied an education. As you sit in class you raise your hand to answer a question. Now I ask you this question : Are you in support of Girls Rights? Do you believe every girl deserves and education?
I know, I raise my hand.
Did you raise yours?

Raise your hand for Girls! International Day of the Girl 11th October 2012

The teenage Blogosphere

So there's a new blog on the block called The teenage blogosphere.
It's a blog list that intends to have many blogs written by teens featured on the site. It's run by one teenager and if you want to be listed just send an email to
The aim is to have all (well a lot) of blogs written only by teenagers listed on this site so other teenagers can come and have a look. Other bloggers will see your blog and hopefully you'll find a new blog that you'd like to read.
All you have to so is send an email to the above address giving a brief description, a blog button and a few labels to categorise your blog! Simple! Nothing more!
Go on you know you know you want to....

P.S Don't forget to enter my writing competition! It did get 13 votes so obviously ye asked for it.
For those of you hearing about it for the first time click here


What to do when you are bored sick

I made a list yesterday of things to do as I lay on the couch, my duvet smothering me.
1) Watch all the Harry Potter dvds you own
2) Try and write the script of the philosopher stone because you know every line.
3) Learn to play every song in the charts on Piano
this is what I learnt to play during the week:
The A team
Jar of Hearts
Video Games
Who are you
Moves like Jagger
We found love
A thousand miles
Set fire to the rain
The one that Got away
Sonata in G - Beethoven
4) Read every blog you follow
5) Comment on all of them, then realise you forgot to press publish on a lot of them
6) Watch re runs of the X Factor
7) Think you've got what it takes to win it so record yourself singing
8) Listen to the recording that has 3 snezzes, 5 coughs and no correct notes
9) Delete recording then swear to never go through that again
10) Ellen and Dr Phill become your only source of companionship
11) Create a stack of books in order of what your going to read next
12) Decide you should clean your room
13) learn that telekinesis doesn't work
14) sleep for 15 hous daily
15) complain that your sister will permanently damage your ear if she doesn't stop playing her vexatious tin whistle
16) Gawk at the size of the antibiotics you were given
17) Laugh maniacly at a crow who just flew into a pole
18) Hahahahahhaha
19) Make 14 buttons for a competition and realise you hate everyone of them
20) Tries once more out of boredom and enters it
21) Watch clouds form bedroom window
22) It's not much fun because it's only one big grey cloud covering the whole sky
23) Sarcasm becomes your only way of communicating
24) Laugh hysterically at everyone that has to school
25) Begin to sob coz being home sick isn't much fun
26) Get into a fight with the cat because she'll only come visit  if you feed her.
27) Feed her anyway
28) Wear pyjammas 24/7
29) Pretend to have an American/ Brittish accent
30) Sister tells you that you don't need to pretend
31) Decide that the only career suited to you is the life of a spy
32) Become an expert at sneeking around your house
33) The cat is the enemy so task is to not be seen by cat
34) Cat doesn't want to see you so task is very easy
35) Dream of making the worlds best chocolate, marshmallow, haribo, ice cream, orange, brownie, triple layer cake
36) Count how many books you own
37) Reach 128, then give up
38) Learn to palm read
39) Dress up like Professor Trelawney
40) Make your own acceptance letter into Hogwarts
41) pretend to be asleep when sister gets home then jump and scream in her face
42) Crack up as she runs screaming from the room
43) Conjure and evil plan to take over the world
44) Hire someone to do that for you
45) Tell everyone you own a magic mirror and that it told you, you are the fairest of them all
46) Tell Dad your too sick to cook dinner so get take away
47) See how many pairs of socks can you put on your feet
48) Nickname youself Dobby
49) Burst out crying as you remember what happened to him
50) Bother to write about this on your blog!


Cough... Cough.. Sniffel

Has anyone noticed my absence for a WHOLE WEEK? How have you survived without me. It must have been torture. Well not to fear I'm back... kinda. It wasn't that I was away or anything. I just have been super busy with 5th Year. And on top of that I've caught the common cold.
So as I sit here staring at the screen, my pj's on, wrapped in my baby blue fluffy house coat, missing a day of school, coughing, sneezing, my ear aching, I await the sympathy chocolates you all shall be rushing out to send me via express mail.
Any other way of cheering me up is much appreciated
(especially funny pictures of dogs.. twitter please)


I can't believe it!

There is this annoying and yet so longing item zooming around cyber space. I was hit on the head with it back in July and a few times more it whacked me again. But now I've been hit straight between the eyes with it once more.
Its the Liebster Award!
All this is a result of Mary
Thanks anyhoo
Since I've done this before I shall not be tagging again and I really can't be bothered to go find that original post so tough.
My facts:
1) I have 4 names and a last name. The first 4 all begin with "M"
2) I cut my hand with tinfoil today!
3) I'm addicted to Haribo
4) I hate when people tell you they are following your blog when they are not!
5) My phone's screen cracked yesterday
6) I hate Fish.. the animal and the food
7) I really want to learn how to make and design clothes
8) I want to join a hockey team
9) I'd love to get my ears pierced three times in a row up my ear lobe
10) I'm starting grade 7 on the piano
11) I have only one sibling ... thank god!
Her Questions:
1. Chocolate or Vanilla?     Do you mean ice cream?.. then vanilla
2. Make up or natural look?   Natural, I don't wear make up that often
3. Favourite book author?    hmm... J.K Rowling!
4.  Favourite shoe style?    converse or heels!
5. One word to describe your personality?  complicated
6.  One reason for blogging? Coz it makes me happy.
7.  Favourite TV show as a kid?   First it was Barney, then came Pokemon
8. Reason for wearing crocks? (seriously why do people wear those things???) I don't wear them!
9. Favourite way to eat bacon? uhh.. through my mouth.
10. Ketchup or no ketchup with french fries? Lots of ketchup with CHIPS! (not the crisps)
11. Do you like tea or coffee? TEA!!! Hate coffee
Thanks Mary!!!


My Fabulous Competition!

You may or may not have heard I am running a competition!
And this is an update on everything you need to know.
The Rules:
~You must be a blogger. No "ifs" "ands" or "buts" about it.
~I would appreciate it if you followed my blog
~You have to write a short story and create the cover for it
~it must be between 400 and 4000 words
~anyone exceeds this shall be disqualified MUWAHAHA!
~Closing date is 25th of October 2012
~please email to
~You must include these three words in your story
1) green
2) whortleberry
3) mysterious
~Your book cover for your story may be hand drawn, computer arted, or photographed
I've now, finally, created a button for it. Hopefully some kind person out there shall have the decency to stick it on their blog after the long hard hours I spent painstakingly making it *hint hint*
Best of luck
or should I say
may the odds be ever in your favour
(oh yes, I've just seen the Hunger Games)


I got post/mail!

Hey Chicas! (what language is that anyway?.. Spanish is it?)
One of the best things in the world, in my opinion, arrives early (usually) in the morning. A man drives up your drive way in a little van. In Ireland we call him the fear an phoist. You might know him as the post man. ----or post woman. Would that be bean on phoist then??
Alright my point is I received post (mail) yesterday!!!!
And it wasn't the one from the dentist either.
I got a book!!

And I must send all my thanks to Amy and her wonderful blog
I came second her latest competition, making her a blog button!
Here's mine:
and another one I made but didn't like as much:

And the winner was Jasmine from her awesome blog Ebony Black Lines
Love that one.
That's all for now!